Nearest Metro Station to Janki Devi Memorial College.

Nearest Metro Station to Janki Devi Memorial College

Nearest Metro Station to Janki Devi Memorial College: Janki Devi Memorial College was established in 1955. It is a major women’s college affiliated with the University of Delhi. This college is located in Karol Bagh, it offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in arts, commerce, and social sciences. The college is known for its academic excellence and active participation in co-curricular activities.

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Nearest Metro Station to Janki Devi Memorial College

  • Metro Station: Karol Bagh Metro Station is the nearest metro station to Janki Devi Memorial College.
  • Line: Blue Line (Dwarka Sector 21 – Noida Electronic City/Vaishali)

Distance and Commute Time from Janki Devi Memorial College to Metro Station

  • Distance: It is around 700 m away from the college to Karol Bagh Metro Station.
  • Commute Time:
    • By Auto-Rickshaw: About 5 minutes.
    • On Foot: Approximately 10-15 minutes.

Metro Station Timings

  • First Train: 5:30 AM
  • Last Train: 11:00 PM

(for precise timings, please visit an official metro website.)

Things to Do Around

  • Ajmal Khan Road: This is a busy shopping street with various shops and eateries.
  • Gaffar Market: This market is famous for electronics and accessories.
  • Local Cafes and Restaurants: There are several dining options available in the Karol Bagh area.

Map Showing Nearest Metro Station to Janki Devi Memorial College

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