Nageshwar Jyotirlinga Nearest Railway Station.

Nageshwar Jyotirlinga Nearest Railway Station

Nageshwar Jyotirlinga Nearest Railway Station: Nageshwar Jyotirlinga is located near Dwarka in Gujarat. This is one of the twelve Jyotirlinga shrines mentioned in the Shiva Purana. This temple is an important pilgrimage place for devotees of Lord Shiva. According to Hindu mythology, it is considered to be the first among the twelve Jyotirlingas and carries tremendous spiritual importance. The temple’s architecture and the giant Shiva statue add to its attraction for visitors from all over the world.

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Nageshwar Jyotirlinga Nearest Railway Station

The nearest railway station to Nageshwar Jyotirlinga is the Dwarka Railway Station. Dwarka is well-connected by trains from major cities like Ahmedabad, Mumbai, and Delhi.

Distance and Commute Time

The distance from Dwarka Railway Station to Nageshwar Jyotirlinga is approximately 15 kilometers. The commute time by road from the station to the temple is around 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.

Train Timings

Trains to Dwarka operate regularly. It is advisable to check the Indian Railways website or other railway service providers for the latest schedules and availability.

Things to Do Around Nageshwar Jyotirlinga

  • Dwarkadhish Temple: This is one of the major Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Krishna.
  • Rukmini Devi Temple: This temple is located a few kilometers from Dwarka.
  • Gomti Ghat: This is a peaceful spot where you can relax side by the river Gomti.
  • Bet Dwarka: An island believed to be the original residence of Lord Krishna.

Map showing Nageshwar Jyotirlinga Nearest Railway Station

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